Thursday, March 29, 2007

Silent Street

Slowly he walks treading a narrow path of muddy road, he leaves with him light imprints onto the ground that perhaps others may follow. He has few companions, but with them he's very comfortable. The road seemed trying in the beginning, but years down that marshy path has taught him to endure. Many a time, he fell hard and skin his knees. Many a time, the rocky grounds were unstable and he felt insecure. Yet, every time he went through these things, he had a Friend to pick him up and lead him on again.

Many who came alongside him asked him why is he walking there. There's certainly a better way, and what they showed to him was no lie. For parallel to this road, there's a neatly tarred highway. It was a fast and easy track. Many people chose to walk there. Road bumps were fewer, the course was much steadier, many things tangible felt substantial. It was the easy way.

But he knowing where he's heading down this narrow road declines their offer, faithful to the path that he's on. Trusting that this path takes him to a far more promising destination compared to that of the highway. He knows, his path is The Way. He knows what he believes is The Truth, and he certainly knows that where he's going is The Life. He knows, yet only he knows.

Very few of us now are constantly reminded of Matt 28:19 and 20. The last few words recorded in Matthew left with us by Christ Jesus. The Great Commission. Like how Mr. Lian puts it, "GO and make disciples of all nations", makes it sound like a special task. The word "GO" is read as if Christians must be "sent out" to fulfill The Great Commission. Please refer to Mr. Lian (Our Bible Study Teacher) what the Greek meaning of the word is, but it does not imply what we frequently derive as "send out". As Christians we are to share the Gospel to everyone around us. Not being afraid to love the people around us and tell them about Jesus Christ and the Salvation that He has given to us all! We have failed to realize this urgency and sometimes it is because we already feel the comfort of the company that we are in, even though the company is but a few people.

When was the last time you've talked to your friend about your faith? When was the last time you mentioned Jesus Christ to a friend? Do your friends around you know you are a Christian? Does your life speak Christ to them? Are you a living breathing model of Christ that people recognize and would want to follow?

Here's something that might help us all...
(Romans 1:14) I am debtor both to the Greeks, and to the Barbarians; both to the wise, and to the unwise.
Paul writes here that he owes Greeks and the Barbarians (All Gentiles),
Wise or unwise (Phd Holder or that HoBo down the street),
Momma always say... if you owe someone something, go repay him at once when you've got the means to...
Until we realize that our friends need God, or else they're on the Highway to Hell... then we see the urgency. A lot of us allow them to pass us by, they become our friends, worked and played with them, but yet we've never had the urge to repay that debt we so owe them... the Gospel.

As a confession, in my many years of walking with the Lord, I've only been spoken to a few non-Christians about God and Christ. Sharing the Gospel had never been an urgency. Even in my campus days, I've not done much as a Christian student, carriying out my obligation to tell my friends about the Gospel. In this pluralistic society where tolerance dominate, we tend to "respect" one another's religion by not talking about religion at all. We don't want to "offend" our friends. We don't want to be called the "fanatic". I personally had fallen into that trap, I'm finding my way out. How? By making the first step to reach out. My campus days are not over yet, and so does many of us. I believe it is a strategic time being in campus where our friends are, as Mr. Lian puts it, too old to be given orders and too young to be expected of anything. It is here that men and women will turn to God when given a chance.

I'm not making anymore excuses. In the words of Will Hung (a great philosopher), "I have no professional training..."
We DON'T need professional training to share the Gospel.
If we Love our friends enough, we will tell them about it. Not just in words, but also in our actions. The way we live our lives, our integrity, our principles, our priorities and our honesty. The quality of your life is what others look at.

But he was always watching one of his companions. He always thought he was a little bit too loud about telling others why they should be on this narrow path instead of the 4 lane highway. But today he understood what it meant to bring across a friend travelling full speed to eternal doom, and suddenly to change course to follow him to eternal life. "Oh... such Joy to see one soul saved." For once he walked a silent street, today he breaks silence by proclaiming Salvation!