Friday, June 22, 2007

Camp Cameron Re-viewed 1

A screenshot of senses

An afternoon following a midday shower
Rushing sounds of a restless river
Like a fleet of calvary galloping in bronze armour
a bridge overhead succumbed to a moderate tremor


The peaks of mountains far out in a distance
If one is quiet enough to listen
The song of trees in the wind they shuffle
As every blade of leaves begin to ruffle


The grey clouds Slowly blown away
Clear skies make way for the gleaming ray
In the wet grass the livestock come out to play
The farmer's fowls go clucking away


Slowly the sun hides into the trees
My face refreshed in the evening breeze
The mountains enveloped by mist eventide
Their peaks and their foots the fog divide


The orchestra of the jungle sings as moonlight glistens
Surely filled with creepy inhabitants
Reminds me of our visitors every night
Sometimes gave the girls an awful fright