Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Coded Language

Can one learn to truely understand another?
Can one know exactly what the other person is saying?
Can one read a person's body language and tell what the other is hinting?
Can one see between the lines of what the other is really writting about?
Can one understand why was something said or written by another?
Can one feel how the other person feels in all of his/her expressions?
Can one learn to truely understand another?

I've come to a point where I find myself unable to really listen.

Are you telling me something?
Are you trying to prove a point?
Are you educating me?
Or are you just testing me?

Self-expression must pass into communication for its fulfillment. - Pearl Buck -

Questionable Quotes


Suit Lin said...

sometimes there is just no such need to be completely understood. The care and presence shared is assuring enough for the other to know that you care enough to listen.

That's what I am beginning and learning to see.

Anonymous said...

What if the other does not think I'm listening?