Thursday, November 30, 2006

[Fragile] - Handle with care

I'm not sure how true this news is, but I just heard that the 8th College President just passed away yesterday in a freaky way. He just went in his sleep after watching TV with his friends in 8th college. All of a sudden, he was just taken away like that. It doesn't scare me much in that way, for the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. It just makes me ponder over what I have now and what I would have left in this world after I move on? What would I take into eternity with me?

Sense, Smell, Touch, Feel, Taste, Thought, LIFE. The consciousness of the existance of Self.

Today I looked back into the looking glass and saw myself. Who have I become. Who am I becoming? My year as a 21 year old has gone and passed. But I've treasured every moment of it. I've learnt so much more than that of the other 20 years cumulatively! .

I've learnt how to be a leader, a big brother, a teacher, a good friend, a listener, and to love others like Christ did. Of course, there may have been ups and downs. To come to think of it I'd probably recall 4 ups and 2 downs that were intensely significant. But in general, I think I've grown more maturely to walk the path of a man. It was part of shaping my character, grinding off the rough areas and chipping back on what doesn't belong. I've learnt to let go of somethings and embrace a few new ones. I'm thankful that now my life shares with someone else other than me and my family. It feels different, unexpected yet a thrilling experience that I'm giving time to adjust to. Amidts all these things that has been going on in my life, it seems like I've still got a long way to go.

But what "if" something would have gone wrong? Or time's up? What would I have gained? What would I have lost? What would I be like in eternity? What can I take with me? What do I leave behind?

Ye Mortals that are likened to a brittle wick,
Cease to breathe by a simple flick,
Even to a drop of water on a pebble break,
When ye perish, not thy choice to make.


Anonymous said...

I'm sure she's also very thankful to be part of your life. You must be very happy:)

Anonymous said...

I'm confident that she is! Thank you Full Moon for always being there to put a smile on my face though it may seem dark as night sometimes.