Sense, Smell, Touch, Feel, Taste, Thought, LIFE. The consciousness of the existance of Self.
Today I looked back into the looking glass and saw myself. Who have I become. Who am I becoming? My year as a 21 year old has gone and passed. But I've treasured every moment of it. I've learnt so much more than that of the other 20 years cumulatively!
I've learnt how to be a leader, a big brother, a teacher, a good friend, a listener, and to love others like Christ did. Of course, there may have been ups and downs. To come to think of it I'd probably recall 4 ups and 2 downs that were intensely significant. But in general, I think I've grown more maturely to walk the path of a man. It was part of shaping my character, grinding off the rough areas and chipping back on what doesn't belong. I've learnt to let go of somethings and embrace a few new ones. I'm thankful that now my life shares with someone else other than me and my family. It feels different, unexpected yet a thrilling experience that I'm giving time to adjust to. Amidts all these things that has been going on in my life, it seems like I've still got a long way to go.
But what "if" something would have gone wrong? Or time's up? What would I have gained? What would I have lost? What would I be like in eternity? What can I take with me? What do I leave behind?
Ye Mortals that are likened to a brittle wick,
Cease to breathe by a simple flick,
Even to a drop of water on a pebble break,
When ye perish, not thy choice to make.
I'm sure she's also very thankful to be part of your life. You must be very happy:)
I'm confident that she is! Thank you Full Moon for always being there to put a smile on my face though it may seem dark as night sometimes.
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